Review Process

The peer review process for Nexus Publication involves several key steps to ensure the quality and validity of submitted articles. Here's an overview:

  1. Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through the Nexus submission system. They create an author account and follow the submission instructions, uploading their manuscript and any supplementary materials.
  2. Initial Screening: The Editor-in-Chief conducts an initial screening to check if the manuscript aligns with the journal's scope and basic submission requirements. Manuscripts that don't meet the criteria are rejected without further review.
  3. Peer Review: If the manuscript passes the initial screening, it undergoes a double-blind peer review, where both the authors' and reviewers' identities are concealed. The handling editor assigns the manuscript to at least two experts in the relevant field.
  4. Review Reports: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on originality, significance, methodology, and ethical standards. They provide detailed comments and recommendations for improvement.
  5. Decision Outcomes: Based on the reviewers' reports, the handling editor makes a decision. Possible outcomes include acceptance, rejection, or requests for minor or major revisions.
  6. Revision Stage: If revisions are requested, the author revises the manuscript and resubmits it. The handling editor reviews the revised version to ensure that the changes are adequate and that the author has addressed the reviewers' comments.
  7. Final Decision: The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision based on the handling editor's recommendation and the revised manuscript. If accepted, the manuscript is formatted and prepared for publication.
  8. Proofing and Publication:
  9. At the production stage, both authors and editors will be able to proofread the manuscript before it goes to online publication.
  10. Ethical Standards:

In cases of suspected manipulation of the peer review, Nexus Publication is following the guidelines as provided by COPE. The peer review is conducted entirely on the online submission system so the peer review process would be transparent and accountable.