Author Guidelines

Authors should submit their manuscripts to via email attachment for Nexus Publication to publish their books, edited books, textbooks, book chapters, monographs, and book reviews. 

Authors who are familiar with online submission can submit their manuscripts via the "Online Submission" portal.

Make sure the manuscript format follows the Nexus Publication template before submitting. In addition, authors must read the publication ethics and malpractice statement for authors, as well as Nexus Publication policies. The book that is being submitted ought to be unique, unpublished, and unpublished elsewhere. Original novels free of plagiarism will be the only ones taken into consideration; entries that are not will be rejected without explanation. Scientific quality, which represents the general norms in their particular field and its significance to authors and readers, is the basis upon which all papers are evaluated. The manuscript's receipt will be acknowledged via email to the corresponding author.

Nexus Publications publishes all year round and accepts submissions. Within Five days of receiving your submission, we will perform an initial evaluation. The evaluation procedure typically takes a week or so, if your submission is pertinent to our collection.

If you are planning to write or are currently writing a book, we would be happy to hear from you. Please contact us at: